
Well, I want to be remembered
as a girl who sang her songs for Jesus Christ
who was willing to lay down her life,
and do His will no matter what the price
Well, I am singing for the deaf man
who can hear about salvation through my song
and I’m singing for the blind man
who can see the light in me and come along

Live for Jesus, that’s what matters
and when other houses crumble mine is strong
Live for Jesus, that’s what matters
that you see the light in me and come along

There are times when I’ve been tempted
to turn off this rugged road I travel on
There are times when I’d say “Jesus,
can’t you find another girl to sing your song?”

Well I know it’s not that I’m the only one
who can sing this melody
but he’s chosen me to bless me
and to lead me into what is best for me”- Live for Jesus by Evie Tornquist

This song by Evie Tornquist is one of my favourites! Not because I relate to a couple of lines, but because I can almost see everyone in one line or two. You know that thing you don’t want to do, sometimes because “many people are doing it”, perhaps better than you are and for that reason you wouldn’t venture at all. Sometimes because we have an inclination to be the best at everything we rather would not if it doesnt set us apart.

As I meditated on the words to the song, In a flash, I saw all the 6 billion people in the world. Then I thought for a second; “How do we reach this many people?” It then made sense to me why we should pursue a dream even if 100,000 people were doing the same thing. “Do something different” sounds nice for a slogan but there really is nothing new under the sun so I’d say “Do the same thing differently”. Every time you do not do what God asks you to do, is your way of saying “Jesus can’t you find another girl to sing your song?”

Did you know that everything you do for yourself and for God is an opportunity for Him to bless you? Think about it. Anytime God called someone to do something, there was always a sure reward either in the process of carrying it out or at the end of it. Many times I have literally said Jesus can’t you find another girl to sing your songs? But now I surely realise that;

It is not that I’m the only one who can sing this melody but he’s chosen me to bless me and to lead me into what is best for me“.

I get why David, although a skilled shepherd boy for many years, was not destined to be Israels richest ranch owner but The King of Israel. Sometimes what God asks us to do now, is only to lead us into our ultimate purpose. It is often an opportunity to be blessed in so many other ways that we never thought possible.

Live for Jesus. That is what matters.

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